I'm not dead. Never was. Unfortunately.
I've been working on some larger projects that, combined with work, have managed to make sure I haven't posted anything on here.
Finished Projects:
Abyss Blinked. You can buy it places, or get an ebook for free. It's autobiographical and somewhat topical at points.
In Progress:
Murder Ballads. It's a bunch of poems about people dying, mostly. All the poems are written, I just need to proof them and assemble them into a printable form.
Ash and Wine. This is my fun project. It's a collection of character-focused short stories that loosely qualify as "picaresque." The genre sits somewhere between fantasy and Mythos horror. Progress is slow, but also steady.
I'm also gonna try to start posting stories and here again at some point. Eventually. If I get a backlog built so I don't just...quit again. I have a life, you know. Hard as it is to believe...